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Англо-русский словарь - chop


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Перевод с английского языка chop на русский

round = chop about
CHOP up нарезать, крошить Ask the man in the shop to chop the meat up for you.
CHOP logic спорить, резонерствовать
CHOP into разгромить The opposing speakers chopped the politicians argument into pieces.
CHOP about
 а) внезапно менять направление (о ветре)
 б) меняться, изменяться When the storm arose, the wind chopped about and the little boat nearly sank. Its better for a child to be treated severely all the time than to have parents who keep chopping about from kindness to cruelty.
 1. noun
 1) (рубящий) удар
 2) отбивная (котлета) mutton (pork) chop - баранья (свиная) отбивная
 3) сечка (корм)
 2. v.
 1) рубить
 2) нарезать; крошить to chop about - безжалостно разрезать, испортить The book has been badly chopped about at the printers. to chop back - отрезать The tree is too big, youll have to chop back some of the branches. to chop into - нарезать на куски Ask the man in the shop to chop the meat into little bits.
 3) отчеканивать (слова) - chop about - chop around - chop back - chop down - chop into - chop off - chop up Syn: see hew II noun; usu. pl. челюсть [см. тж. chap III
 1) ] to lick ones chops - предвкушать (особ. удовольствие от еды) chops of the Channel - вход в Ла-Манш из Атлантического океана III
 1. noun
 1) перемена; колебание - chops and changes
 2) обмен
 3) легкое волнение, зыбь (на море)
 4) geol. сброс
 2. v.
 1) обменивать, менять
 2) меняться (о ветре)
 3) колебаться - chop and change
 4) обмениваться словами - chop logic - chop in - chop round IV noun клеймо, фабричная марка - first chop - second chop
CHOP in вмешиваться в разговор
CHOP down
 а) срубать The whole forest was chopped down to make room for the new airport.
 б) разрушать что-л. The committee members chopped down the chairmans opinion.
CHOP and change проявлять нерешительность, колебаться; менять свои планы, взгляды и т.п.
CHOP back урезать The government has promised to chop back its own spending in an effort to encourage the nation to do the same.
CHOP around изменять направление When the storm arose, the wind chopped around and the little boat nearly sank. We were walking along the street together when suddenly he chopped round and ran the other way.
CHOP off
 а) отрубать The kings head was chopped off. You could improve the tree by chopping off some of the upper branches.
 б) прерывать кого-л. The chairman chopped the speaker off in mid-sentence.
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См. в других словарях

  1. удар (топором) he felled the little tree with one chop —- он срубил деревце одним ударом 2. рубящий удар (фехтование, теннис) 3. отбивная котлета mutton chop —- баранья отбивная 4. отрубленный кусок (чего-л); ломоть; кусок 5. зыбь (на море) 6. уст. трещина (особ. на коже); щель, расселина 7. геол. трещина; сброс 8. с-х. сечка (корм) 9. часто австрал. новозел. соревнование лесорубов 10. австрал. новозел. доля, часть Id: to get the chop —- быть убитым; быть раненным; быть уволенным 11. рубить (топором, колуном) to chop wood —- колоть дрова 12. рубить (сечкой); крошить; нарезать, шинковать 13. провертывать через мясорубку 14. нарубить to chop a pile of kindling —- нарубить кучу растопки 15. прорубить the traveller chopped his way through the underbrush —- путешественник прорубал себе дорогу через заросли 16. замахиваться (на кого-л); наносить удар; рубануть (кого-л) he chopped at me with his knife —- он замахнулся на меня ножом 17. прерывать, обрывать 18. физ. прерывать (пучок частиц) 19. урезать; резко сокращать to chop costs —- решительно сокращать расходы to chop prices —- резко снижать цены to chop a budget —- урезывать бюджет 20. спорт. срезать (мяч) 21. разг. увольнять (работника); снимать, прогонять с работы 22. ам. с-х. пропалывать, прореживать (хлопок) 23. ам. уст....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  ихт. чоп (Zingel); обыкновенный чоп (Zingel zingel) – little chop – Rhone chop ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) зарубка 2) клеймо, заводская марка 3) печать; штамп 4) рубить; крошить; отрубать to chop beam — прерывать луч to chop into chips — рубить на щепу to chop off rivet — срубить заклепку to chop the bark — измельчать кору ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) рубящий удар рубить; колоть; раскалывать(ся) 2) клеймо; фабричная марка 3) мор. зыбь 4) пищ. продукт размола; сечка 5) отбивная (котлета) 6) пищ. куттеровать to chop away — отрубать; to chop down; — 1. срубать 2. уменьшать, ослаблять; to chop into — мелко нарезать; рубить; крошить; to chop off — 1. отрубать 2. обрубать; to chop up — мелко нарезать; рубить; крошить ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v.tr. (chopped, chopping) 1 (usu. foll. by off, down, etc.) cut or fell by a blow, usu. with an axe. 2 (often foll. by up) cut (esp. meat or vegetables) into small pieces. 3 strike (esp. a ball) with a short heavy edgewise blow. 4 Brit. colloq. dispense with; shorten or curtail. --n. 1 a cutting blow, esp. with an axe. 2 a thick slice of meat (esp. pork or lamb) usu. including a rib. 3 a short heavy edgewise stroke or blow in tennis, cricket, boxing, etc. 4 the broken motion of water, usu. owing to the action of the wind against the tide. 5 (prec. by the) Brit. sl. a dismissal from employment. b the action of killing or being killed. Phrases and idioms chop logic argue pedantically. Etymology: ME, var. of CHAP(1) 2. n. (usu. in pl.) the jaw of an animal etc. Etymology: 16th-c. var. (occurring earlier) of CHAP(3), of unkn. orig. 3. v.intr. (chopped, chopping) Phrases and idioms chop and change vacillate; change direction frequently. Etymology: ME, perh. rel. to chap f. OE ceapian (as CHEAP) 4. n. Brit. archaic a trade mark; a brand of goods. Phrases and idioms not much chop esp. Austral. & NZ no good. Etymology: orig. in India & China, f. Hindi chap stamp ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English chappen, ~pen — more at chap  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to cut into or sever usually by repeated blows of a sharp instrument  b. to cut into pieces — often used with up ~ up an onion  c. to weed and thin out (young cotton)  d. to cut as if by ~ping ~ prices a bridge ~s the lake in two  2. to strike (as a ball) with a short quick downward stroke  3. to subject to the action of a ~per ~ a beam of light  intransitive verb  1. to make a quick stroke or repeated strokes with or as if with a sharp instrument (as an ax)  2. archaic to move or act suddenly or violently  II. noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. a forceful usually slanting blow with or as if with an ax or cleaver  b. a sharp downward blow or stroke  2. a small cut of meat often including part of a rib — see lamb illustration  3. a mark made by or as if by ~ping  4. material that has been ~ped up  5.  a. a short abrupt motion (as of a wave)  b. a stretch of ~py sea  6. ~per 6  7. chiefly British ax 3 it is the very top men who have got the ~ — Daily Mirror  III. intransitive verb  (~ped; ~ping)  Etymology: Middle English chappen, ~pen to barter  Date: 1540  1. to change direction  2. to veer with or as if with wind  IV. noun  Etymology: Hindi chap & Urdu chhap stamp  Date: 1614  1.  a. a seal or official stamp or its impression  b. a license validated by a seal  2.  a. a mark on goods or coins to indicate nature or quality  b. a kind, brand, or lot of goods bearing the same ~  c. quality, grade of the first ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (chops, chopping, chopped) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you chop something, you cut it into pieces with strong downward movements of a knife or an axe. Chop the butter into small pieces... Visitors were set to work chopping wood. ...chopped tomatoes. VERB: V n into n, V n, V-ed 2. A chop is a small piece of meat cut from the ribs of a sheep or pig. ...grilled lamb chops. N-COUNT: usu n N 3. When people chop and change, they keep changing their minds about what to do or how to act. (BRIT INFORMAL) Don’t ask me why they have chopped and changed so much. PHRASE: Vs inflect 4. If something is for the chop or is going to get the chop, it is going to be stopped or closed. If someone is for the chop, they are going to lose their job or position. (BRIT INFORMAL) He won’t say which programmes are for the chop... PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v chopped, chopping 1 »CUT STH« chop up to cut something such as food or wood into smaller pieces  (Can you chop some firewood? | chop sth into pieces/chunks/segments)  (Chop an onion into pieces.) 2 »REDUCE STH« to reduce by a large amount the money that can be spent  (Next year's budget has been chopped by fifty percent.) 3 »SWING A TOOL« to swing a heavy tool such as an axe1 (1) in order to cut something + away/a  (Ben's been chopping away at that tree for two hours now.) 4 »MAKE A PATH« to make a path by cutting down plants  (The leader chopped a rough trail through the jungle. | chop your way through)  (We chopped our way through the underbrush.) 5 chop and change BrE informal to keep changing your mind 6 »HIT STH« to hit something by moving your hand downward quickly and suddenly  (I chopped his wrist and he dropped the knife.) chop sth down phr v to make a tree or strong plant fall down by cutting it with a sharp tool such as an axe1 (1) chop sth off phr v to remove something by cutting it with a sharp tool such as an axe1 (1) so that it is no longer connected to something else  (Charles I had his head chopped off.) ~2 n 1 »MEAT« a small flat piece of meat on a bone, usually cut from a sheep or pig  (a grilled pork chop) 2 get the chop BrE informal a) to lose your job  (Six more salesmen got the chop yesterday.) b) to officially stop something or reduce the amount you are paying for it  (The project got the chop in the last board meeting.) 3 be for the chop BrE informal to be very likely to be closed or stopped  (One of the three factories is for the chop.) 4 »WITH YOUR HAND« a sudden downward movement with your hand  (a karate chop) 5 »WITH A TOOL« the act of hitting something once with a sharp tool such as an axe1 (1) 6 the chops informal the part of your face that includes your mouth and jaw  (I hit him in the chops.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  hosp. abbr. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia mil. abbr. Change Operational Control funny abbr. Chauvinistic Homophobic Obnoxious Pig music abbr. Community Houses Of Prayer gen. bus. abbr. Childrens Hospital Of Philadelphia firm name abbr. Christians Helping Other People ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: LICK ONE'S CHOPS. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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